At the cutting edge of current developments in high blood pressure, the HT-Advance program will lead to novel solutions for improved diagnosis and treatment of HT to prevent cardiovascular and metabolic complications.
The objective of this program is to apply multi-omics (MOMICS) stratification biomarkers directed at patients with arterial hypertension (HT), in order to develop and validate targeted personalized treatment strategies. The HT-Advance approach will address the major causes of treatment failure in HT.
WHY should we look at Arterial Hypertension (HT)?
Key points
HT affects
of the population
over 40 years old
HT is the most important risk factor for myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, cognitive disorders, end-stage renal disease and premature death*
HT was the leading risk factor globally for attributable deaths in 2019. This year accounted for
10.8 million deaths**
Consequences of HT are preventable by life-long oral antihypertensive treatments
Worldwide, HT is poorly controlled.
50% to 67%
of treated patients are not reaching target blood pressure levels***
HT can be associated with a diminished quality of life due to psychosocial dysfunction. This leads to an important societal impact owing to work absence****
Within Europe, HT places negatively affect economic development. The strain on health care systems is increasing
WHY do we focus on MULTI-OMICS (MOMICS)?
Previous European funding through the Horizon 2020 ENSAT-HT program has allowed the building of a unique clinical and scientific framework, leading to :
The discovery of multidimensional omics (MOMICS) biomarkers for patients with PA, PPGL, CS and PHT.
Those MOMICS were found by integrating high throughput genomics and metabolomics data with phenome annotations through bioinformatic modeling of large datasets derived from multiple platforms. Hence, the composite biomarker, so-called MOMICS-ENDO biomarker, consists of a set of different metabolites comprising plasma and urinary steroids, plasma small metabolites, catecholamine metabolites and circulating microRNA (miRNA).

The methods and pipelines already established in ENSAT-HT (a patent application and its method has been filed*) will lay the foundation for HT-ADVANCE.
The HT-Advance goals
Validate the previously identified MOMICS-ENDO biomarkers in a pragmatic outcome-based approach.
Early detection and tailored treatment of patients with EHT
Go beyond the identification of EHT and address the response to treatment in PHT, by developing and validating MOMICS-TREAT biomarkers for treatment response.
Truly personalized and targeted use of the different antihypertensive drugs
Step change in the management of arterial HT
With the development of a molecular toolbox for stratification of PHT and for application of personalized therapeutics improving efficacy of existing treatments
Alternative approach to personalized diagnosis and treatment in HT
Thanks to the application of MOMICS biomarkers in the identification of endocrine and curable causes of HT
Efficient and cost-effective therapy
Due to the use of bioinformatic integration of multiple levels of complex information and omics-based approaches.
Companion diagnostics to improve existing drug efficacy in clinical practice
- By providing an end-to-end solution in ensuring seamless data flow from and back to the patient (new solution to generate, collect, integrate and interpret large data sets across a range of different sources).
- By developing a dedicated results interface, to allow the successful delivery of MOMICS biomarkers to patients and clinicians, and strategies for their deployment within healthcare systems.
- By recommendations for the assessment of economic and ethical issues, particularly those related to the uptake of MOMICS biomarkers by healthcare providers and wider society, through a roadmap for their translation into clinical practice.